How to Get PrivateCloud License
Before deploying and running a private cloud system, it is necessary to obtain a private cloud License. Private cloud supports hard dongle and soft encryption two License authorization methods. This paper introduces two ways of License authorization.
Soft Encryption License
Soft encryption License binds devices, you can only run the private cloud on authorized computers or servers.
Step 1: Obtain the machine fingerprint generation program
Click the link to download the machine fingerprint generator and copy it to the /etc/ directory of the computer you want to run the private cloud.
Step 2: Generate the machine fingerprint file license.txt
From the command line, run the following commands:
cd /etc
sudo chmod +x ./license
sudo ./license
Send the generated /etc/license.txt file to the interface personnel of NeuroBot, so that we can package the exclusive image file.
Step 3: Get the proprietary docker image file
Download the private cloud docker image of the transdevice that binds the device provided by Momentview and deploy it according to the subsequent steps of the operation. You can refer to the reference documentation:
Deploy Private Cloud in Ubuntu
Deploy Private Cloud in Centos
Hard dongle License
Hard encryption License bound dongle, that is, you can run the private cloud on the device plugged into the dongle.
Step 1: Install senseshield service
- If you are using Ubuntu, select senseshield- to install
Click here to Download senseshield-
Run the following command to install:
sudo apt install senseshield-
- If you use Centos, select the installation package of senseshield- for installation
Click here to download senseshield-
Run the following command to install:
sudo rpm -ivh senseshield-
Step 2: Verify that the senseshield service is installed successfully
Run the following command:
ps -ef | grep senseshield
If the senseshield process is running, the Senseshield service is installed successfully.
Step 3: Insert the dongle into the USB port on the server
The private cloud authorized dongle will be obtained from NeuroBot to access the server USB port.
Step 4: Obtain the hard encrypted private cloud image, deploy the image, and start it
Get a private cloud docker image for hard encryption from an official source provided by NeuroBot. Follow the next steps to deploy and start docker. You can refer to the reference documentations:
Deploy Private Cloud in Ubuntu
Deploy Private Cloud in Centos
Attention: Private cloud images for hard encryption and private cloud images for soft encryption cannot be mixed.
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